The Gloomy Winter (Brockbank)
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THE GLOOMY WINTER (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Ian Brockbank The Badger's Set 19961- 8 1L followed by 1M casts and dances across to 2nd place opposite side (2s step up 3-4); 1s turn 1¾ LH
9-12 1L+2s dance ½ RH across while 1M casts up on Ladies' side, 1s pass LSh at top, 1M+2s dance ½ LH across while Ladies casts down on Ladies' side
13-16 1L+3s dance ½ LH across while 1M casts down on Ladies' side, 1s pass RSh, 1M+3s dance ½ RH across while 1L casts up Ladies' side
17-20 1s pass LSh into 1s+1st corners dance ½ diagonal reel of 4, 1s pass RSh and 1M curves round to follow 1L
21-24 2nd corners+1L+1M in tandem dance ½ diagonal reel of 3 (RSh to 3M)
25-28 1st corners (position)+1L+1M in tandem dance ½ diagonal reel of 3 (RSh to 3L place)
29-32 1s separate, 1L curves right to face 2nd corner (position) and 1s+2nd corners (position) dance ½ diagonal reel of 4. 1s end in 2nd place own side. 213
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
The Gloomy Winter (Brockbank) - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
Also see the dance Gloomy Winter's Noo Awa' by Ian Brockbank.Back to the top of this Scottish Country Dancing Instructions 'The Gloomy Winter (Brockbank)' page