Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Gypsy Shawl (3-Couple Version)

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Gypsy Shawl (3-Couple Version)
Anon Adapted by Reuben Freemantle
Jig 3 x 32 bars 3 Couple Repeat 3 Couple Set Longwise Set

  1-8   All join hands on the sides, 3s join free hands, 1M2M make an arch and, with 1L leading, all (except 1M) dance under the arch to finish in places, retaining hold;

  9-16 1L2L make an arch and, with 1M leading, all (except 1L) dance under the arch to finish in places, releasing hold;

17-20 1s2s right hands across;

21-24 1s2s left hands across;

25-28 1s take both hands and slip to 3rd place WHILE 2s3s step up;

29-32 2s 3s 1s turn left hands.

(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)

Dance Notes

  1-32 This is adapted for 3 couples from the standard 4-couple version.

29-32 Original instructions for the 4-couple version have turn by the right but left hands makes a better transition to bar 1 of the next repeat.

Dance Information

Also see the original dance The Gypsy Shawl by Anon.
Gypsy Shawl
Gypsy Shawls
"Two Gypsies" Francisco Iturrino (1864-1928), Oil On Canvas, c. 1901-1903

Additional search terms: Ceilidh Dance.
Image copyright Francisco Iturrino (1864-1928), public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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