Hidden Assets
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Hidden AssetsCollected by Margaret Keddie
Jig 8 x 32 bars 3 Couple Repeat 4 Couple Set Longwise Set
1-2 1s2s set facing partners;
3-4 1s2s right hands across halfway;
5-6 1s3s set facing partners;
7-8 1s 3s cross by the right, 1s finishing facing out on own sides;
9-12 2s1s half double figures of eight across, 1s casting up to start;
13-16 1s3s half double figures of eight across, 1s casting down to start, finishing all facing in;
17-24 2s1s3s set and rotate for 3 couples:
17-18 all set, turning on the spot as necessary to face clockwise around the corners square;
19-20 all chase one quarter around the corners square, finishing facing partners up and down;
21-22 all cross up and down with partners, finishing facing clockwise around the corners square;
23-24 all chase one quarter around the corners square, finishing 3s1s2s on own sides;
25-28 3s1L 1M2s right hands across, 1s finishing in the centre, left shoulder to left shoulder, 1L facing down and out, 1M up and out;
29-32 the snake:
29-32 giving left shoulder to the approaching dancers, 1L, followed by 3L3M, chase outside 3M's place and through 3L's place to 2L's place WHILE 1M, followed by 2M2L, chase outside 1L's place and through 1M's place to 2M's place, finishing 2s1s3s.
(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)
Dance Notes
29-32 This figure is often called "The smoke" (after Whistlin' in the Kitchen where it also appears). It is important to phrase this correctly without cutting corners:
1L must take 1 bar to reach just outside 3M's place, 1 bar to the centre line, 1 bar to 3L's place and 1 bar to 2L's place;
1M must take 1 bar to reach just outside 1L's place, 1 bar to the centre line, 1 bar to 1M's place and 1 bar to 2M's place;
the corners must take 2 bars to cross the set when going across and when going diagonally.
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
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