In Campbell Country
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
IN CAMPBELL COUNTRY (S4x32) 4C set Roy Goldring Social Dances 2002 (Leeds 40th Anniv)1- 8 1s+2s+3s set advancing and 1s followed by 2s+3s cast to 3rd place, meet and dance up to top (2s end in 2nd place, in middle)
9-16 1L+2L 1½ turn RH as 1M+2M 1½ turn LH, 1s dance ½ Fig of 8 (1L up, 1M down) ending 2nd place opposite sides
17-24 1s set to 2nd corner then partner, set to 1st corner and Petronella turn to end 1M between 2s and 1L between 3s
25-32 2s+1M also 1L+3s dance reels of 3 across and end with 1s dancing down to 4th place. 2341
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Dance Information
The deviser dedicated this dance to Dorothy Campbell, J'ina and John Middleton, and June and Sam Shore, "who made us welcome on our visit to Hamilton".Dorothy Campbell died in March 2017 in Oakville, Ontario, Canada, at the age of 98. Her husband was Robert M Campbell (Bob), Scottish country dances deviser. Dorothy came to Canada as a baby, and married Bob in 1941.
Also see the dance Bob Campbell by John Drewry.
Dorothy was a founding member of the Oakville Scottish Country Dance Group in 1956. The Cambells were members of the Hamilton and Toronto Branches for many years and dedicated to Scottish country dancing.
Huge contributions to SCD have also been made by J'ina Middleton and her husband John Middleton (d. 2010) as teachers and leading lights of the dancing community in North America.
June Shore (d.2012 aged 92) was a prominent member and teacher in RSCDS Hamilton branch who shared her love of dancing with Sam, her husband of 59 years.
In Campbell Country - Hamilton, Ontario
Image copyright Sandra Mulder, Banko Photographic Ltd. (Own work) Creative Commons Licence 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons.
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