The Jewel Of Mountain View
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
The Jewel Of Mountain View 32 Bar Strathspey For 3 Couples In A 3 Couple Set, Trudy Roughgarden1-2 1M + 3W (1st corner diagonal) set, advancing ready to
3-6 1M + 3W Turn by the right hand approximately 1½ to face own side
7-8 1M + 3W Dance out between people standing on own side and to the right back to original place.
9-10 1W + 3M (2nd corner diagonal) set to each other, advancing ready to
11-14 1W + 3M Turn by the left hand approximately 1½ to face own side
15-16 1W + 3M Dance out between people standing on own side and to the left back to original place.
17-24 2's followed by 1's cross down into full figures of 8 around 3's, finishing 2s, 1's on own sides. (order now 213)
25-32 All 3 couples dance the KNOT. End 312 ready to begin again
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Trudy Roughgarden, 2024)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
The Jewel Of Mountain View - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
This dance was devised, with tremendous gratitude, to honor Jewel Murphy, who has been indispensable to our Mountain View class and to the San Francisco Branch.She is always volunteering, helping others, ready to step in wherever there is a need.
(Dance information by the deviser, Trudy Roughgarden)
Published in The Jewel Of Mountain View, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Trudy Roughgarden, 2024.
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