Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Jim's Circle Of Friends

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

JIM'S CIRCLE OF FRIENDS (R96) Sq.Set Muriel Boal

1 - 8 4 Ladies advance touch hands in circle and retire and dance RH wheel once round.
9 - 16 4L Pass partners RS, dance clockwise half way round while 4M dance LH across once round. 4M stay in centre facing new partner, set and turn RH ¾ to finish back in square formation.
17 - 24 4M advance touch hands in circle and retire and dance LH wheel once round.
25 - 32 4M pass partner LS and dance anticlockwise half way round while 4L dance RH across once round and stay in the middle facing original partner. Set and turn LH ¾ to finish in square formation.
33 - 40 1s and 3s advance turn opposite person RH and keeping hold of RH dance RH across with 2s and 4s in 2nd and 4th place.
41 - 48 1M with 3L and 1L with 3M dance between side couples cross and cast back to turn partner 1½ times RH to finish in original place.
49 - 64 2s and 4s repeat bars 33 - 48. All are now back in original places.
65 - 72 All 4 couples dance rights and lefts starting with 1s and 3s changing up and down set while 2s and 4s start by changing with own partner on the side and all couples finish facing corners.
73 - 88 Turn corner with RH (4 bars) then turn partner LH 1¼ times (4 bars) and all face clockwise and in promenade hold dance clockwise round the set.
89 - 96 Eight hands round and back.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Muriel Boal, 2018)

Dance Instruction Videos

Jim's Circle Of Friends - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This reel, Jim's Circle Of Friends, was written to celebrate Jim Boal's 80th Birthday.

(Dance information by the deviser, Muriel Boal, 2018)

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