Jo Mansfield's Rant
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Jo Mansfield's Rant (R1x88) 4C Sq.Set Lewis N Derrick 19851-8 All dance eight hands round and back
9-12 All four women dance right hands across halfway while all four men cast into their partner's places, all turn opposite persons with the left hand
13-16 All repeat bars 9-12 back to original places, turning partners on bars 15-16
17-24 The 1st couple, with nearer hands joined, dance across the set between the 3rd couple, separate, cast behind the 3rd couple, dance in front of the 2nd man and 4th woman, cast behind the 2nd woman and 4th man and turn to original places with right hands
25-32 The 3rd couple repeat bars 17-24 between the 1st couple
33-40 The 2nd couple repeat bars 17-24 between the 4th couple
41-48 The 4th couple repeat bars 17-24 between the 2nd couple
49-52 All four men dance left hands across halfway while all four women cast into their partner's places, all turn opposite persons with the right hand
53-56 All repeat bars 49-52 back to original places, turning partners on bars 55-56
57-60 All dance chase and twirl. All four men chase clockwise halfway round the set while all four women advance for one step as if to pass right shoulders in the middle, pivot by the right in the spot for two steps and advance for one step to meet their partners on opposite sides
61-68 All, taking promenade hold with partners, promenade clockwise round the set
69-72 All repeat chase and twirl (bars 57-60) from new positions to meet partners back in original places
73-80 All pass right shoulders with partners to end facing them in two diagonal lines, the 2nd couple with the 3rd couple (men facing up, women facing down) and the 1st couple with the 4th couple (men facing down, women facing up), all dance reels of four diagonally across the set, on the last two bars, instead of passing left shoulders, the 2nd man and 3rd woman, likewise the 1st woman and the 4th man, turn into their original places on the sides with left hands (the women doing a full polite turn)
81-88 All dance eight hands round and back
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Lewis N Derrick 2020)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Information
This reel, Jo Mansfield's Rant, was devised for Ms Joanne Mansfield of Reading to celebrate her twenty-first birthday.Suggested tune: Jo's Reel (Ray Milbourne).
Devised May 1985 and revised (bars 73-80) January 1987; republished electronically 2020.
Copyright 1985, 1987, 2020 Lewis N. Derrick.
(Dance information reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Lewis N Derrick)
Published in The McGhie Scottish Country Dance Books, Volume 1, The McGhie's Fancy and Other Scottish Country Dances, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Lewis N Derrick.
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