Jonathan's Wheels
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Jonathan's Wheels (S4x32) A 32 bar strathspey for four couples in a longwise set. Murrough Landon 2017The dance starts with two chords: on the second chord the 3rd and 4th couples cross over to the opposite side. 12(3)(4).
1-4 1st with 2nd couples also 3rd with 4th couples dance reverse set and link: those with left hands free cast and the others dance up or down the centre. 2nd and 3rd men end facing out.
5-8 1st couple with 2nd woman also 4th couple with 3rd woman dance left hands across ending on the sidelines while 2nd and 3rd men chase anticlockwise half way round the set.
9-12 Those in the top and bottom two places now dance a standard set and link: those with right hand free casting. 1st and 4th women end facing out.
13-16 2nd and 3rd women dance right hands across with 1st and 3rd men at the top or 2nd and 4th men at the bottom while 1st and 4th women chase clockwise half way round the set.
17-18 All chase clockwise two places to be opposite partners in the order 3,1,4,2 with 3rd and 1st couples on opposite sides.
19-20 3rd and 1st couples also 4th and 2nd couples turn with both hands on the sides.
21-24 All dance half a reel of four on the sides starting by passing right shoulder.
25-32 2nd and 4th couples also 3rd and 1st couples dance four hands round to the left and back. End in the order 2,4,1,3 with 1st and 3rd couples on opposite sides.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA Jan 2017)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
Jonathan's Wheels - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
This strathspey, Jonathan's Wheels, is for Jonathan Lewis who likes motorbikes.The rotating figures in this dance such as teapots and circles mostly come in pairs for the bikes though there is one instance of four couples turning both hands which might suggest a short trip in a car.
Recommended music: Suggested tune Mrs Elizabeth Hunter by Alastair C Hunter; suitable recording The Sleeping Warrior (Whitehead: Highlander Music Scottish Dances Vol. 13).
(Dance information by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA Jan 2017)

Jonathan With Bikes - Jonathan's Wheels
Published in Jonathan's Wheels, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA.
Image copyright Jonathan Lewis, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA Jan 2017.
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