Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Julia Sharp Strathspey

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE JULIA SHARP STRATHSPEY (S4x48) 4C set Melvin Cannell, 2015 Innerleithen
3s and 4s start on opposite sides

1- 8 Top 3 couples set, top 3 dancers on Ladies' side (1L+2L+3M) cross passing partners RSh and chase clockwise back to the Ladies' side
9-16 Bottom 3 couples set, bottom 3 dancers on Men's side (2M+3L+4L) cross passing partners RSh and chase clockwise back to the Men's side
17-24 The 4 Ladies (now in the middle positions) dance ½ RH across, take prom hold with partners and dance clockwise 3 places round the set, ending in the sidelines facing in, Men with partner on right
25-32 All 4 couples set, petronella-in-tandem to the right, set and change places RH with person facing, ending 3(4)1(2)
33-40 All dance LSh reels of 4 on side (3s and 2s begin by pulling back RSh)
41-42 Middle dancers (4s+1s) turn RH on sides to end BtoB, while 3s and 2s cross RH
43-48 All dance a Grand Chain for 3 places (LH, RH, LH) 24(1)(3)

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Published in Sharp Strathspey.pdf.

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