Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Jump For Joy

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

JUMP FOR JOY (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Anna Smith, 2018

1- 8 1s lead down (2s step up 3-4); 1L dances under 1M's arm to change sides and 1s lead back to 2nd place opposite sides. 2(1)3
9-16 ½ mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s out/up to start); 3s+2s ½ turn RH remaining in centre, 3s facing down, 2s facing up and all 3 couples set
17-22 1s Petronella turn and set; Petronella turn to 2nd place own side while
3L and 2M pull back RSh and chase clockwise ½ round to opposite end while
3M and 2L Petronella turn to 2nd place, set; Petronella turn to join nearer hands with partner (Lady on Man's left)
23-24 All 3 couples set
25-32 All repeat 17-24 from new places to end as bar 16 (All on opposite sides, 3s in centre 1st place, 1s in 2nd place on sides, 2s in 3rd place in centre)
33-36 1s dance out/up to top, cross and dance down to 2nd place own side while 2s cross and cast up to 1st place while 3s cross down (in front of 2s) and cast down to 3rd place
37-40 2s+1s+3s turn partner RH

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

Jump For Joy - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This reel, Jump For Joy, was devised by Anna Smith for her teacher, Joy Bradshaw.

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