Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Just Give Me A Kiss

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Just Give Me A Kiss (S8x32), 3C (4C set), Lise Marchand, Méaudre Reel 2021

1-8 1s+2s dance a full diamond poussette
9-16 1s turn both hands (2 bars), cast in 2nd place (2 bars) as 2s step up, set advancing on the 2nd setting step (2 bars), half turn both hands and pull RSh back to finish back to back facing 1st corner (2 bars)
17-24 1s dance Hello-Goodbye setting. On bar 23 all clap while 1s dance a Petronella turn to go back to own sides in 2nd place
25-32 1s dance round each other giving RSh to finish facing each other in the middle of the set, facing their own sides (2 bars),
kiss (2 bars), set (2 bars), pull their RSh back to dance back to 2nd place on their own sides
while 2s+3s dance R&L up and down the set, starting RH on the side lines

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Lise Marchand)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

Just Give Me A Kiss - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

On average, a French person gives 30 kisses a day!

Kissing is a tradition that is very important to me but because of the pandemic, we only talk about wearing masks and maintaining a social distance. This dance was devised to keep the French kissing tradition alive and to give back a little love to everyone.

In Vercors, where this dance was created, people are used to kiss one another twice to say hello, starting with the right cheek ! There is thus plenty of time in 2 bars to kiss twice. But in some other parts of France, people are used to kissing 3 or even 4 times... and some start with the left cheek! So make sure where your partner comes from before you start the dance to avoid any trouble for bars 27/28. We suggest you start with the right cheek!

The suggested tune for this dance, Just Give Me A Kiss, is Missing Gordon - Strathspey By Seonaid Lynn - Music Full Size

(Dance information by Sophie Marchand)

Here is the original crib for Just Give Me A Kiss, published in Méaudre Reel 2021, also available as a .pdf Just Give Me A Kiss (Portable Document Format).

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