Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Kathleen And Walter McAdam

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Kathleen And Walter McAdam A Forty Bar Jig For Four Couples In A Longwise Set. Jennifer Kelly

1 - 2 First and third couples set to partners.
3 - 4 First and third couples cross by the right hand. Second and fourth couples set to partners.
5 - 6 Second and fourth couples cross by the right hand.
7 - 8 Taking hands in the sidelines, all set.
9 - 10 First couple cast off to second place whilst fourth couple cast up to third place. Dancing slightly in towards partners, second couple follows first and third couple follows fourth couple, to finish in first and fourth positions, facing in on the diagonal.
11 - 12 First and fourth couples dance half a right hand wheel, whilst second and third couples set.
15 - 16 All change places on the corners, giving left hands, to bring second and third couples into the center to dance half a right hand wheel, whilst first and fourth couples set, facing in on the diagonal. Second and third couples finish with their backs to the center ready for all round reverse triangles.
17 - 24 All dance reverse triangles. On bars 23 and 24 couples two and three remain on the outside of the set and turn ¾ with 2 pas de basque to face clockwise around the set.
25 - 28 Second and third couples dance around the outside of the set to finish with second couple at the top and third couple at the bottom on the wrong sides. Meanwhile first and fourth couples dance in towards the centre on the diagonal and retire to second and third places on their own sides. Set order from the top is now 2, 4, 1, 3.
29 - 32 All four couples dance back to back.
33 - 34 Second and third couples cross to own sides, giving right hands.
35 - 36 All set.
37 - 40 All four couples turn by the right hand.

(Dance crib compiled by Jennifer Kelly, April 2005 - copyright 2005 by Jennifer Kelly. All rights reserved)

Dance Information

Devised by Jennifer Kelly, April 2005, to honor the 40th Anniversary of the San Francisco Branch and the work of all those who helped in reaching this milestone.

(Dance information by Jennifer Kelly - copyright 2005 by Jennifer Kelly. All rights reserved)

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