Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Kathryn Jenny's Jig

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Kathryn Jenny's Jig (J8x32) 32 bar reel for three couples in a four couple longwise set, Eddy West, 1991, modified in 2013

1-2 First man casts below 2nd man and dances across the set towards second lady.
3-6 First man and second lady turn a little over a full turn with left hand raising their hands on bars 5 and 6 to make an arch. At the same time first lady casts to dance through the arch and dances towards second man.
7-8 First lady and second man turn with left hand to finish first lady in second place on mens side second man in top place. At the same time first man and second lady continue turning to finish second lady in top place, first man in second place.
9-12 First and second couples dance a half ladies chain, first couple are now on the ladies side.
13-16 First, second and third couples dance a three couple ladies chain:
 13-14 The three ladies taking right hands in a wheel dance on one place while the men dance anticlockwise to the place their partner has just left.
 15-16 Men half turn the lady they meet, men are in the position they were on bar 12, second lady is in top place, third lady in second mans place and first lady in third ladies place.
17-20 First and third couples dance a ladies chain up and down the dance:
 17-18 The ladies change places giving right hands while the men dance across the dance to meet them.
 19-20 First couple turn left hand to face first corners, While third couple cross left hand to original places.
21-24 First couple dance half a reel of four with first corners passing left shoulders to face second corners.
25-28 First couple dance half a reel of four with second corners all finish on opposite sides.
29-32 Six hands round to the left.

Repeat having passed a couple.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Eddy West 2013)

Dance Information

This dance was devised by Eddy West in 1991, bars 1-8 modified by Patsy Gellatly in June 2013.

Suggested music: "The Lantern of the North" recorded by the Andrew Rankine on the LP "London Highland Club Diamond Jubilee".

(Dance information by the deviser, Eddy West)

Published in (, Kathryn Jenny's Jig, Friends And Family, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Eddy West.

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