Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Keppoch Charm

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Keppoch Charm
J. Duncan Keppie
3x32 bar Reel
3-couple dance in 3-couple longways set

  1-8   1s SET, CAST and CIRCLE WITH 2s (who have stepped up on 3-4);

  9-16 HAND-IN-HAND REELS OF 3: 2nd, 1st, and 3rd couples dance Hand-in-Hand reel of 3, starting with 2nd and 1st couples passing right shoulders (this reel is performed by dancing a reel of 3 nearer hands joined with partner when dancing up or down the reel and changing hands at the top and bottom of the reel as one reverses direction so staying on your own side of the set);

17-24 CHASE: 1M followed by 1W casts up around 2M, dances across top of set, cast off around 2W, and across (end with 1s facing 3s ready for):

25-32 KEPPOCH: 1s and 3s advance and retire using modified Pas de Basque (2 bars) (Bar 1: Beat 1: advance onto right foot in 4th intermediate position, Beat 2: beat left foot in rear 3rd position, Beat 3: step onto right foot in 3rd position, Beat 4: extend left foot into 4th intermediate rear aerial position; Bar 2: retire with regular Pas de Basque), pass opposite couple by the left using Skip Change of Step ending back-to-back with them (2 bars) and, dropping front hands, turn partner (4 bars) to finish in the side lines, 2s3s1s.

Repeat with new 1st couple.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, J. Duncan Keppie)

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