Keppock Of Loch Duich
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Keppock of Loch DuichMaggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 8: The Handy Dozen
32 bar Jig
2-couple Round The Room dance, women in outer circle, men in inner circle
1-8 SET TWICE AND CIRCLE: Set to partner, set on diagonal, and four hands once round;
9-16 HAND-IN-HAND REEL OF 3: Nearer hands joined with partner, dance Hand-in-Hand Reel of 3 starting by passing opposite couple by the right then the next couple by the left, then pulling left shoulders back and changing hands, reel back to original places;
17-20 SET TWICE: nearer hands joined with partner set to opposite couple, then set to partner the women giving their other hand to their partner;
21-24 TURN INTO GORDON HOLD: turn partner once around ending with women turning under partner's arm into Gordon hold (as in Gay Gordons) to face opposite couple;
25-32 KEPPOCH:
Bars 25-28: 1st and 2nd couples advance and retire using modified Pas de Basque (2 bars: advance onto right foot in 4th intermediate position, beat left foot in rear 3rd position, step onto right foot in 3rd position, and extend left foot into 4th rear aerial position, and retire with regular Pas de Basque), then dance past opposite couple ("Over the Heather Step"): couples have now changed places, men passing left shoulders, and are now back-to-back;
Bars 29-32: dropping front hands, turn once to end on own side.
Repeat with next couple round the circle.
(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)
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