Kiss Me Quick My Mither's Coming
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
KISS ME QUICK MY MITHER'S COMING (Bonny Jocky) (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Johnson RSCDS Book 121- 8 1M bows to 2L and dances reel of 3 with 3s giving LSh to 3L (1M ending in 2nd place)
9-16 1L bows to 2M and dances reel of 3 with 3s giving RSh to 3M (1L ending in 2nd place)
17-24 1s dance reels of 3 across, 1L with 2s and 1M with 3s (1s end in 2nd places)
25-32 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s (casting up to start)
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
Kiss Me Quick My Mither's Coming - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
Kiss Me Quick My Mither's Coming is a Scottish Country Dance published by Walsh (who named it Kiss Quick Mother's A'Coming) in c. 1740 and interpreted in RSCDS Book 12 in 1938.Sadly, the "kiss" has become a bow.
(Dance information copyright, reproduced here with the kind permission of George Williams)
"Mither" is Scots for "Mother".
"Kiss Me Quick!" Currier And Ives, Chromolithograph, c. 1850 to 1900
Image copyright Currier And Ives., public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.