Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Let's Celebrate (Wood)

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

LET'S CELEBRATE (J4x48) 4C set John Wood Nova Scotia Collection 2017

1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s set and link; 2s and 3s (end couples) chase clockwise ½ round while 1s+4s set and dance ½ LH across. (3)(4)(1)(2)
9-16 Reels of 4 on sides
17-24 3s+4s also 1s+2s set and dance ½ RH across; all 4 couples turn partner RH
25-26 4s and 1s (end couples) set while 3s+2s cross RH
27-30 4s nearer hands joined dance down below 4th place while 1s cast up to top while 3s+2s change places LH on sides and cross RH with partner
31-32 1s+2s+3s (top couples) set advancing to face up nearer hands joined with partner while 4s dance up to 4th place
33-40 2s+3s+4s make arches and dance up 1 place while 1s dance down under arches to 4th place; all 4 couples advance and retire
41-48 2s+3s+4s+1s circle 8H round and back

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

Also see the dance Let's Celebrate (Wilde) by E Wilde.
Also see the dance Let's Celebrate! (Petyt) by Sue Petyt.
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