Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Love Is In The Air

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

LOVE IS IN THE AIR (R8x48) 3C (4C set) Violaine Eysseric 2018 Paris Book 2

1- 8 1M+2M+3M clap while 1L+2L+3L dance round partner RSh, face partner and pull back RSh to dance back to place, all 3 couples set
9-16 2s dance "Figure of Love" (two inverted hearts):
 2L crosses up and casts down 1 place while 2M crosses down and casts up 1 place
 2s meet in the middle, touch both hands and twirl (pull back LSh)
 2L casts off (behind 3M) and crosses back to original place, while 2M casts up (behind 1L) and crosses back to place
17-24 1s set advancing, pass RSh and face each other, turn 2H (about ¾ turn), 1L turns under 1M's Left arm and 1L casts behind 2M while 1M casts behind 2L (2s step up); 1s meet in second place, in the middle, dance LSh around each other and swivel left to face 1st corners
25-32 1s set to and turn 1st corner; set to and turn 2nd corner
33-40 Reels on opposite sides (1s LSh to 1st corners). 1s dance RSh around each other and swivel right to face their 1st corner
41-48 1s dance "Hello-Goodbye" setting, all clap and 1s Petronella turn to 2nd place

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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