Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Luke Brady's Reel

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Luke Brady's Reel (R4x32) 4C set Lewis N Derrick 2014

1-2 Taking nearer hands the 1st couple dance down to fourth place under an arch formed by the 4th couple who dance up to first place
3-4 The 4th couple cast off one place while the 1st couple cast up one place; the 2nd and 3rd couples stepping up and down respectively
5-8 Crossing up to begin, the 4th couple dance half a figure of eight around the 2nd couple to end on opposite sides in second place while the 1st couple, crossing down to begin, dance half a figure of eight around the 3rd couple to end on opposite sides in third place, no hands given
9-16 The 2nd and 4th couples and the 1st and 3rd couples dance rights and lefts using the last left hand to end facing corner persons on sidelines
17-24 Giving left shoulders to begin (2nd woman to 4th man, 1st man to 3rd woman on the women's side and 2nd man to 4th woman, 1st woman to 3rd man on the men's side) all four couples dance reels of four on the sidelines; as the 4th and 1st couples pass right shoulders at the end of the reel they take right hands to end in order 2413 with the 4th man and 1st woman facing out and the 4th woman and 1st man facing in
25-26 The 4th and 1st men and the 4th and 1st women turn three-quarters round by the right hand to end in a line across the set the 4th couple facing up and the 1st couple facing down
27-30 Dropping hands and giving right shoulders to begin the 4th and 1st couples dance half a reel of four across the set to end with the 1st couple facing up and the 4th couple facing down
31-32 The 4th and 1st men and the 4th and 1st women turn three-quarters round by the right hand to end on own sidelines in the order 2413, 1st man and 4th woman making polite turns into place

Repeat three more times from new positions each time

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Lewis N Derrick 2020)

Dance Information

This dance, Luke Brady's Reel, was devised by Lewis Derrick for Luke Brady.

Suggested tune: Cambusdoon (Colin Finlayson).

Devised 2014, first published electronically 2020.

Copyright 2014, 2020 Lewis N. Derrick.

(Dance information from The McGhie Scottish Country Dance Sheets #13, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Lewis N Derrick)

Published in The McGhie Scottish Country Dance Sheets, Collection 2, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Lewis N Derrick.

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