Madison Square
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
MADISON SQUARE (S1x64) Sq.Set Todd McCall Madison SCD1- 4 1s and 3s advance and lead opposite dancer to 2nd/4th place while 2s and 4s dance to corners' place join hands with 'new partner' and advance towards original partner
5- 8 1s and 3s dance round back to original places while 2s and 4s dance out to original places and all turn partner 2H
9-16 Repeat bars 1-8 with 2nd and 4th couples advancing to begin as 1st and 3rd couples dance to corners' position
17-18 All face in and set nearer hands joined
19-22 All Ladies dance RH across back to original place while all Men dance ½ way anti-clockwise
23-24 All turn opposite dancer 2H
25-32 Repeat bars 17-24 with Men dancing back home and all turn partner 2H
33-34 1s and 3s advance while 2s and 4s dance to corners' place and join hands with 'new partner'
35-36 All set with 1s and 3s passing each other LSh to finish back-to-back with opposite
37-40 All dance ½ parallel reels of 4, at the end 1s and 3s, instead of passing LSh with opposite person, meet them and lead out nearer hands joined to 2nd and 4th places, Lady on the left
41-48 Repeat bars 33-40 with 2nd and 4th couples, at end join hands with partner
49-52 All turn partner 2H and set
53-56 All dance 8H round ½ way to the left
57-60 All dance ½ Grand chain, 1 bar per hand giving RH to partner to start
61-64 All turn partner RH 1¾ to end with Ladies back to back in middle
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
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