Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

McNichol Of The Black Isle

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

MCNICHOL OF THE BLACK ISLE (R104) Sq.Set Mary Isdale MacNab Dances #10

1- 8 1s and 3s advance to centre with 4 pas-de-basque, 1s dance between 3s and turn to face 4s while 3s turn to face 2s (2 parallel diagonal lines of 4)
9-16 1s and 4s also 2s and 3s dance RH across and LH back
17-24 All set to partners twice, turn 2H into diagonal lines of 4 in other direction (1M and 4M, 2M and 3M BtoB)
25-32 All dance RSh parallel diagonal reels of 4
33-40 All set to partners and turn 2H to square formation (1s in 3rd place), 1s and 3s in prom hold dance clockwise behind 2s/ 4s to original places
41-56 Men dance in front of partner and turn next Lady RH, repeat 3 times ending back in original places
57-64 Ladies dance into centre (pas-de-basque), turn setting and set to partner twice
65-72 Ladies dance back to places as Men dance in who turn setting and set to partner twice
73-80 Men dance out and behind partner back to places, all set to partners twice
81-96 All dance Grand Chain
97-104 All set twice to partner and turn 2H

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Instruction Videos

McNichol Of The Black Isle - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video
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