Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Miss Gabrielle's Reel

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Miss Gabrielle's Reel (Reel 8 x 32)
32 Bar Reel for 3 Couples in a 4 Couple Set, Devised by Ian Barbour.

1 - 8 1C set to partner, cast off 1 place and turn LH 1¼ to finish in the centre
9 - 12 1M and 3C, 1L and 2C RH across once round with 1C finishing back to back in the centre,1M facing down, 1L facing up
13 - 16 All set in triangle, those that are back to back then dance RSh round each and out to the corner place on their right (1L to 3M's place,1M to top L's place), whilst those in 2nd corner place cast to the other end and those in 1st corner place a petronella type turn into the centre to finish back to back
17 - 24 REPEAT bars 13 - 16 twice more,1C finish back to back in the centre, 1M looking down, 1L looking up
25 - 28 1C dance up or down the set, cast RSh round 4th corner place into 2nd place on own side
29 - 32 2, 1 and 3C turn partner RH once round.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Ian Barbour)

Dance Notes

13-13 Take hands for the right foot step of balance-in-line, 1L facing up to 2s, 1M down to 3s.

14-14 On the left foot step, all release hands; corners continue normally WHILE 1L 1M pull right shoulder back to finish facing own sides.

15-16 All use skip change.
1L 1M move quickly so that it is easier for the approaching first corners to give them precedence.
Second corners must pull right shoulder back and cast on the sides.

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

Miss Gabrielle's Reel - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

Miss Gabrielle was the daughter of Victor Laidlaw who was the drummer for the Lothian Band for many years.

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