Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Miss Kirsteen Blair

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

MISS KIRSTEEN BLAIR (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Jenny Bradley Nottingham Lace

1- 8 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on own side dancing between 2s to start
9-16 1s+3s dance RH across, 1s+3s dance round clockwise into diagonally opposite places
17-20 1L casts to top as 3M casts to bottom while 1M+3L ½ turn LH and retaining LH give RH to partner and Balance-in-Line
21-24 1L+3M dance to original places and set while 1M+3L turn LH back to original places
25-32 1s+2s dance ½ R&Ls, set and cross RH to own sides. 213

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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