Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Miss Mary Gray's Fancy

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

MISS MARY GRAY'S FANCY (S4x32) 4C set Ruary Laidlaw 1997 Lochiel Collection 2005

1- 8 All join hands on sides, set, cross RH, set cross back RH
9-16 1s lead down (3 steps), lead up (3 steps) and cast to 2nd place (2s step up bars 15-16)
17-24 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH and cross LH to 2nd place own side
25-32 1s turn 2H (2 bars), cast to 4th place (3s+4s step up) and 1s turn 2H (4 bars)

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Miss Mary Gray's Fancy
A 4 x 32 strathspey for four couples in a longwise set.

1 - 8 All four couples join hands on the sides, set once and cross over giving right hand to partner. They all set on the opposite sides and cross back giving right hand again.
9-16 The first couple lead down the middle for three steps, lead back up for three and cast off into second place on 7 and 8 of the 8-bar phrase, second couple moving up. The first couple finish in second place ready to dance with first corners.
17-24 The first couple turn their first corners with right hand, partner in the middle left hand, second corners right hand and cross over with left hand to second place on their own side.
25-32 The first couple turn with the right hand for two bars and cast off to the bottom of the set while third and fourth couples join hands and move up on 3 and 4 of the 8-bar phrase.
The first couple then turn right hand for four steps to finish in fourth place.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Ruary Laidlaw, 1997)

Dance Notes

The dance was composed to provide a simple strathspey with Corners for beginning dancers.

Dance Information

This strathspey, Miss Mary Gray's Fancy, was named after Mary Gray who has been a long and stalwart supporter of the Lochiel Club in Hamilton. Mary would do anything for anybody!

Suggested Music; From the Broomielaw, a 4x32 strathspey, by Bobbie Frew and Ian Powrie.

(Dance information by the deviser Ruary Laidlaw, copyright 2005, All rights reserved)

Mary Gray
Mary Gray

Published in The Lochiel Collection copyright 2005, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Ruary Laidlaw.
Image copyright Mary Gray, Ruary Laidlaw, all rights reserved, 2024.

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