Scottish Country Dance Instruction
MoorburnMaggie and Duncan Keppie Haliburton School Of Arts SCD Book 3: Corners
5 x 32 bar jig
5-couple dance in 5-couple longways set
1-8 DOUBLE TANDEM REELS OF 3: 3rd couple start dancing out and up to start the mirror Double Tandem reel of 3 on own side (IN TANDEM are 1st - 2nd women, 1st - 2nd men, 4th - 5th women, 4th and 5th men: the lead switches at both head and foot of the reel);
9-16 1ST AND 5TH CROSS, CAST AND TURN PARTNER: 1st and 5th couples cross right hands with partner, and cast (1st cast down 5th cast up one place, then turn partner once around with right hands to end facing 1st corner (2nd and 4th couples step to top and bottom places, respectively, on Bars 11-12);
17-24 1ST AND 5TH TURN CORNER, PARTNER, CORNER, PARTNER: 1st and 5th couples turn 1st corners by the left, partner by the right, 2nd corner by the left, and partner by the right (end with 1st, 5th, and 4th couples in the middle facing up nearer hands joined);
25-32 1ST, 5TH, AND 4TH DANCE UP MIDDLE AND CAST: 1st, 5th, and 4th couples dance up the middle nearer hands joined and cast off 1st couple to the bottom, 5th couple to 4th place, and 4th couple to 3rd place (3rd couple steps up on Bars 25-26), then all join Hands on the side and set.
1st couple repeat from 3rd place as new top couple starts at the top.
(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)
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