Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

A Mug Of Tea

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

A MUG OF TEA (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Charly Rembold and Rudolf Spägele, 1992

1- 8 1s dance in and cast (2s step up); 1L+2s and 1M+3s dance RH across
9-16 1s lead down and back up to 2nd place own side
17-24 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round and back
25-32 1L+2s and 1M+3s dance reels of 3 across (1s LSh to 1st corner to start). 213

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

A Mug Of Tea - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

A cup of tea typically refers to tea served in a small, delicate vessel, usually holding around 150-200 milliliters.

A mug of tea is served in a larger, sturdier vessel, holding around 300-400 milliliters. The difference lies in the size and style of the container.

A Mug Of Tea
A Mug Of Tea

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