Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

A Necklace Of Coral

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

A NECKLACE OF CORAL (S3x40 + J3x40) Circle James Williams 2016
Circle, Man has Lady on his right

1- 8 All dance interlocking reels of four, turning RH at end to finish facing partner
9-16 All set, ¾ turn partner RH, all set, change places RH with partner to finish Men on inside of circle, Ladies on outside
17-24 Men dance out passing partner RSh, behind partner, in and LSh all round next Lady round circle, and dance back to place
25-32 Ladies dance in passing partner RSh, behind partner, out and LSh all round next Man round circle, and dance back to place
33-40 All set, Petronella turn to reform circle, set, and change places LH to face new partner

Repeat from new places

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

This strathspey was devised as part of the celebrations for the 35th anniversary of the RSCDS Peterborough and District Branch.

In the UK a recognised symbol of a 35th anniversary is coral. This dance has a circular set to which "necklace" in the title alludes.

There is a long history of the use of coral in jewelry, including that of ancient Rome when coral was believed to ward against evil.

"The use of coral as a gemstone is an extremely ancient practice, going back at least 25,000 years. Coral has been found in ancient Egyptian tombs and prehistoric European burial sites." (From Lance Grande and Allison Augustyn's book, Gems and Gemstones.)

Coral necklaces continued to be prized in modern times.

A Necklace Of Coral
"Children's Portrait Of Gabriele Troeltsch With Coral Chain And Flowers In Hand" Ludwig Von Zumbusch (1861-1927), Oil On Canvas, c. 1909

Image copyright Ludwig von Zumbusch, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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