Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary


Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Ompredena (Inside Out Promenade) (J4x32) A 32 bar jig for four couples in a longwise set. Murrough Landon.
The dance starts with two chords: on the second chord the 2nd and 4th couples cross over to 1(2)3(4).

1-4 1st and 2nd couples and separately 3rd and 4th couples dance mirror set and link: both inner couples (2nd and 3rd) dance through the middle to the ends as the outer couples (1st and 4th) cast to the centre.
5-8 1st man and 4th woman also 4th man and 1st woman take promenade hold and dance half a reel of 3 across with 2nd couple and 3rd couples respectively giving right shoulder to 2nd or 3rd man (1st and 4th men dance the reels in their half of the set). End on the sidelines, releasing promenade hold in the order 2413 with 1st and 3rd couples on the opposite sides.
9-16 Repeat bars 1-8 from new places. End on the sidelines in the order 4321 with the 4th and 2nd couples on opposite sides and with the end couples (4th and 1st) facing out and the inner couples (3rd and 2nd) facing in.
17-20 3rd and 2nd couples separately follow the first half of the path of double figures of eight, each in their own half of the set, 3rd couple crossing in and up and 2nd couple crossing in and down to start. Meanwhile the 4th and 1st couples follow the elongated path of half a reel of 3 on the sides with 4th couple starting out and down and 1st couple starting out and up. 4th and 1st men give precedence to the women passing them right shoulder. End on the sidelines in the order 1324 with 3rd and 4th couples on opposite sides and with 3rd and 2nd couples facing in and 1st and 4th couples facing out.
21-24 1st and 3rd couples and separately 2nd and 4th couples each dance another half double figure of eight, starting with 1st and 4th couples casting inwards, 3rd couple crossing in and up, 2nd couple crossing in and down. End in the order 1324 with 1st and 2nd couples on opposite sides.
25-28 3rd and 2nd couples dance left hands across all the way round and end facing the 1st and 4th couples on the side.
29-32 3rd and 1st couples also 2nd and 4th couples giving right hands turn one and a half on the sides to change places. Finish in the order 3142 with 1st and 2nd couples on opposite sides.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA May 2014)

Dance Notes

The 2nd and 3rd couples are the dancing couples (1st and 4th couples get 4 bars rest). Each dancer has a "promenading partner" (diametrically opposite before the two opening chords) in addition to their usual partner.

(Dance notes by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA May 2014)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

Ompredena - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

Recommended Music: The Phantom Piper (Special Requests Vol 6 by Colin Dewar and his SDB).

(Dance information by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA May 2014)

Published in Ompredena, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA.

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