Ones With Twos, Threes And Fours
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
ONES WITH TWOS, THREES AND FOURS (J4x32) 4C set Gaye Collin SCD Is All Around The WorldMay be danced as Jig or Strathspey
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across, LH back and 1s face out
9-16 1s+3s dance double Fig of 8 (1s cast, 3s cross up to start). 1s end facing out
17-24 1s cast to 4th place (4s step up 19-20). 4s+1s turn RH
25-32 2s+3s+4s+1s circle 8H round and back
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
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