Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Paco's Wiggle Waggle Walk

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Paco's Wiggle Waggle Walk 32 Bar Reel For 3 Couples In A 4 Couple Set, Devised By Viktor Lehmann, 2019.

1-4 First man set and cast into second place (second man step up on bars 3 and 4).
5-8 First lady set and cast into second place (second lady step up on bars 7 and 8) while first man turn first corner with the right hand back to sidelines.
9-12 First lady turn second corner with the left hand, back to sidelines while first man turn second corner with the left hand, back to sidelines.
13-16 First lady turn first corner with the right hand, back to sidelines while first man dance around first corner giving left shoulder, finishing side by side with first lady on ladies' side, nearer hands joined.
17-20 First couple with nearer hands joined dance over to men's side and cast (first lady up, first man down, to finish between couples).
21-24 First couple set advancing, then turn both hands round half way in setting step, pulling right shoulder back, finishing back to back with first lady facing down, first man up while corners face diagonally in and set twice.
25-32 First couple dance half reels of three across the dance giving right shoulder to second corner, then pass partner right shoulder in the center to swap reels and continue with half reels of three across the dance giving right shoulder to fourth corner, finishing in second place own side.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Viktor Lehmann, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, August 14, 2019)

Dance Instruction Videos

Paco's Wiggle Waggle Walk - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

The dance is about walking my dog Paco, a Labrackel or Teckrador or whatever. Even though we take the same route, we never seem to be at the same place at the same time (bars 1-16, a mirror fugue), only when I have him on the leash (bars 17-20). And he is totally thrilled whenever we meet all the other dogs at the local dogs' playground (bars 21ff).

Dedicated to Ilona Brown who inspired me to devise this dance.

Music Suggestion: Cramond Bridge (Robert Whithead and the Danelaw Band)
Alternatives: Duncan MacCalman (Peter White and his Band) , Dumbarton Drums (Kenny Thomson And The Wardlaw Scottish Dance Band)

(Dance information by the deviser, Viktor Lehmann, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, August 14, 2019)

Published in Paco's Wiggle Waggle Walk, reproduced here under this Creative Commons Attribution - NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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