Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Paris Celebration Medley 1

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE PARIS CELEBRATION MEDLEY 1 (M-5x(S32+R32)) 5C set Bill Zobel, 2010 Dancing on Air

1- 4 All 5 couples set, 1M+2M nearer hands joined dance between Ladies who dance across to change sides while 4s+5s dance similar, 4L+5L nearer hands joined dance between Men. All curve into partner's place
5- 8 1s/5s turn LH twice round moving down/up to face 1st corners while 2s+4s cross RH and cast up/down
9-16 1s and 5s set to corners, pull back RSh and turn partner RH to face 2nd corners; Repeat with 2nd corners, turning ¾ RH, 1s face down, 5s face up
17-24 1s+3s+5s circle 6H round to left ending on sides (4 bars); 1s+3s+5s turn RH. 1s+3s remain in centre ready for...
25-32 1s+3s dance ½ Poussette; 5s dance in bar 28, 1s+5s dance ½ Poussette. 23514

1-24 Repeat 1-24 above except Bar 24: 1s+3s+5s remain in centre ready for...
25-32 1s+3s+5s dance 3 couple Poussette (1s moving down Men's side, 2s+3s moving up Ladies' side)

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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