Petronella Reloaded
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Petronella Reloaded 32 Bar Reel For 3 Couples In A 3 Couple Set, Devised By Jona Kutsche And Viktor Lehmann, 2023.1-8 First and third couple dance petronella. Meanwhile, second couple stand still for two bars, then start a petronella as well, to dance between first and third couple to form a line up and down the dance.
9-16 All continue to dance petronella, second couple always two bars behind the others.
17-24 First and third couple dance down the middle (nearer hands joined), and with third couple in the lead dance up again into first and second places, finishing in the center of the set, facing their partner, both hands joined. Meanwhile, second couple finish their petronella movement with a set, then dance down the middle for four bars (nearer hands joined), to then dance up (following third and first couple).
25-32 Third and first couple start a "left round Poussette for three couples", second couple to join the movement after two bars:
25-26 Third and first couple dance out to the ladies' side and, as a couple, dance a quarter of a turn anticlockwise. Meanwhile, second couple continue to dance up, to finish in second place on the men's side, with second lady facing down, second man facing up, both hands joined.
27-28 Third and first couple move down the ladies' side. Meanwhile, second couple move up the men's side. All couples turn anticlockwise ¼ to face across the dance.
29-32 All couples move to the center of the set (in the order 2, 3, 1), then turn ½ way both hands anticlockwise and retire to the sidelines by setting twice.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Viktor Lehmann, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, November 24, 2023)
Dance Instruction Videos
Petronella Reloaded - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
This dance is dedicated to Andrew Nolan who - during November Course 2023 at the Kuckucksnest in Schlüchtern, Germany - gave us an overview on how "Petronella" developed over time. We felt it was time for the next level.This dance comes as a canon, with second couple being two bars behind the other couples throughout most of the dance.
Music Suggestion: Tap the Barrel (George Meikle and Gordon Simpson)
(Dance information by the deviser, Viktor Lehmann, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, September 25, 2024)
Published in Petronella Reloaded, reproduced here under this Creative Commons Attribution - NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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