The Queen's Quadrille
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THE QUEEN'S QUADRILLE (R8+128) Sq.Set Alan MacPherson RSCDS Book 438 Bar intro - All bow and curtsey to partners, all bow and curtsey to corners
1- 8 All circle 8H round and back
9-16 All with partners set, advance, acknowledge opposite couple and turning inwards dance out to places
17-24 1s+3s set, advance turning right cast and dance clockwise behind 2s/4s, Men dance on to opposite places while Ladies dance between side couples into centre to form line of 4 up/down facing opposite partner
25-32 1s+3s dance RSh reel of 4 and end in prom hold with 'new' partner facing clockwise (Ladies end reel passing RSh)
33-40 All promenade round clockwise
41-48 2s+4s set, advance turning left cast and dance anticlockwise behind standing couples, Ladies dance on to opposite places while Men dance between standing couples into centre to form line of 4 across facing opposite partner
49-56 2s+4s dance LSh reel of 4 and end in prom hold with other partner facing anticlockwise (Men end reel passing LSh)
57-64 All promenade round anticlockwise
65-72 All Ladies dance LH across ½ way, turn own partners RH, dance LH across ½ way and turn 'new' partner RH
73-80 1s+3s dance ½ Men's Chain, 2s+4s dance ½ Ladies' Chain (all back to original positions)
81-88 1M+3M dance RSh round partners while 2L+4L dance LSh round partners to face corner person and pivot turn (waist hold) 3 times round with corners to end in diagonal lines of 4 facing 4
89-96 All advance and retire and turn partners LH to end in original places
97-112 2s+4s repeat bars 81-96 forming lines on other diagonal
113-120 All repeat bars 9-16
121-128 All repeat bars 1- 8
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
The Queen's Quadrille - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video
The First Quadrille At Almack's, c. 1892
Marquis Of Worcester, Lady Jersey, Clanronald MacDonald And Lady Worcester
Image from British Library, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
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