Radyr Welcome
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
RADYR WELCOME (R5x32) 5C set David G Queen Queen Collection of SCD 11- 8 1s and 3s dance ½ Fig of 8 round couple below, cross RH and cast 1 place
9-16 1s and 3s advance setting turning right about to face own sides and all set as in Double Triangles, 1s and 3s dance out and turn right about to face in while 2s+4s+5s dance in and turn right about to face out (Inverted Triangle formation), 2s+4s+5s pas-de-basque round partner to face opposite side
17-24 All set and 1s also 3s dance in turning right about to face out while 2s+4s+5s dance out and turn right about to face in, 1s+3s pas-de-basque round partner to face opposite side and all set
25-32 1s and 3s dance RSh ½ reels across (1L with 2s, 1M+3L with 4s, 3M with 5s), 1s and 3s turn LH and cast to 3rd/5th places
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Information
Radyr is an outer suburb of Cardiff, the capital of Wales.
Radyr Weir
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Text from this original Radyr article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright John Grayson under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.
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