Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Red Flower

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

RED FLOWER (R3x32) 3C set The 2010 Summer School Unit 2/3 Candidates

1- 8 1s2s3s dance snowball chain. 3(2)1
9-16 All circle to the left (3 bars), pivot and chase back to place anticlockwise. 3(2)1
17-24 2L sets advancing to 2M, 2L sets retiring (turning to face out end bar 20) as 2M sets advancing; 2L casts up and across to ladies' side, as 2M follows to top of men's side (3s step down bars 23-24) 231
24-32 All dance reels of 3 on the side, 2s3s pass RSh to start. 231


Dance Notes

Bars 19-24 2M needs to consider step length and timing, without casting too far outside the set, to arrive just in time to flow (covering with partner) into the reel.

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

Red Flower - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

Devised By The 2010 Summer School Unit 2/3 Candidates For Pat Houghton.
Red Flower
Red Flower

Image copyright takomabibelot Creative Commons Licence 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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