Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Reeling On

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Reeling On
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 11: Three Dozen
32 bar Strathspey
2-couple Round-the-Room dance, couple facing couple, woman on right of partner

  1-8   CIRCLE AND BACK: 4 hands round and back ending facing partner;

  9-16 SET AND ½ RIGHTS AND LEFTS TWICE: All set to partner, dance ½ rights and lefts (1 step to each hand), set to opposite, and dance ½ rights and lefts back to place (1 step to each hand), ending with men facing out;

17-24 LADIES' CHAIN: all dance Ladies' Chain (start with men casting to partner's place), ending facing partner;

25-28 ADVANCE, RETIRE AND CAST INTO LINE OF 4: all advance and retire with partner (1 step each way), then pulling right shoulder back cast into a line of 4 along the line of the dance, women to the end of the line and men back-to-back in the middle facing their partner;

29-32 ½ REEL OF 4: all dance ½ reel of 4 ending facing next couple Round The Room (on bar 32, men pass right shoulders rather than left, as women dance a loop pulling right shoulder back).

Repeat with next couple round the room.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

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