Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Rigmarole (Keppie)

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Rigmarole
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Haliburton School Of Arts SCD Book 4:
6/8x32 Reel
2-couple in a 3 or 4 couple Longways set

  1-8   1ST'S ½ FIGURE 8 AND GEAR TURNS WITH 2ND COUPLE: 1st couple dance ½ figure of 8 around 2nd couple, then turn them once around, 1st man with 2nd woman by the left hand and 1st woman with 2nd man by the right hand;

  9-16 1ST'S DOWN UNDER AND BACK: 1st couple dance down middle nearer hands joined, cross over with 1st woman dancing under arms as 1st man dance below her, then dance back up to original places;

17-24 2ND'S ½ FIGURE 8 AND GEAR TURNS WITH 1ST COUPLE: 2nd couple dance ½ figure of 8 up around 1st couple, then turn them once around, 1st man and 2nd woman with left hands, 1st woman and 2nd man with right hands;

25-28 2ND'S CROSS AND CAST UP: 2nd couple cross by the right and cast up (1st couple stepping down on bars 27-28).

29-32 2ND AND 1ST COUPLES ADVANCE AND RETIRE with walking steps.

Repeat from 2nd place.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

Dance Information

Also see the dance Rigmarole (Brocque) by David Le Brocque.

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