Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Sego Lily

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE SEGO LILY (S3x32) 3 Person Triangular Set Martha Morrison Veranth Wasatch Mountain Collection
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1- 8 All circle 3H round and back
9-12 All dance in curving left then pull back RSh, spiral out to 1 place clockwise round. 231
13-16 All dance RH across
17-24 1 sets to 2 and they turn RH; 1 sets to 3 and they turn RH
25-30 Reel of 3 across, 1+2 pass LSh to start
31-32 1 dances back to progressed place and pulls back RSh to face in again

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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