Shadows On The Scores
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Shadows On The Scores (S8x40) 3C (4C set) Lewis N Derrick 19761-8 The 1st and 2nd couples dance the chain progression ending on sidelines
9-12 The 1st couple dance a petronella turn to the right, ending with the woman between the 2nd couple and the man between the 3rd couple; joining hands across all set
13-16 The 1st couple dance a petronella turn to the right, ending in second place on opposite sides; joining hands on sidelines all set
17-24 The 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance reels of three on the sidelines, the 1st couple give right shoulders to their second corners to begin
25-28 The 1st couple dance a petronella turn to the right, ending with the woman between the 3rd couple and the man between the 2nd couple; joining hands across all set
29-32 The 1st couple dance a petronella turn to the right, ending in second place own sides; joining hands on sidelines all set
33-40 The 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back
Repeat having passed a couple
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Lewis N Derrick 2020)
Dance Information
This strathspey, Shadows On The Scores, was devised for Mr and Mrs W. J. Braid of St Nicholas Farm, St Andrews.When I (Lewis N. Derrick) first discovered the chain progression devised by Eric Forbes, I was so taken with it that I set myself the task of producing three 40-bar 'St Andrews' dances which would all contain this figure and end with a circle.
These dances (then named The St Andrews Jig (now College Echoes), The St Andrews Strathspey (now Shadows On The Scores) and The St Andrews Reel (now Kate Kennedy's Reel)) were devised in 1976.
It was my original intention that they should be danced separately. However, they were first used by the Demonstration Team of the University of St Andrews Celtic Society at the Scottish Universities Scottish Country Dance Festival (SUSCDF) held in Dundee during November 1976. They were danced as a medley (jig twice, strathspey once, reel twice) called 'The St Andrews Suite'.
For those who might be interested in using these three dances as a medley for demonstration purposes, they were linked as follows:
Strathspey to Reel - The 3rd and 2nd couples dance bars 1-4 of the reel (setting and casting), this returns the 2nd couple to the top of the set where they stand out the final repetition.
For detailed instructions on the phrasing of the chain progression as devised by Eric Forbes see page 20 of the RSCDS Birmingham Book, 1973 (or, more conveniently, Chain Progression (RF)).
While preparing these dances for publication in 1988 I discovered that my original 'St Andrews' names were already in use. I therefore changed the names while retaining strong St Andrews connections.
Upon publication in 1988 the instructions for the jig and the strathspey were unchanged from 1976, but those for the reel were slightly modified and the copy published in 1988 was taken to supersede the earlier version.
While preparing the original typescripts of the printed leaflet for electronic circulation no changes were made to the published instructions themselves but the opportunity was taken to bring the descriptions more into line with RSCDS Standard Terminology.
Suggested tune: The Duke of Gordon.
Devised November 1976; first published in print 1988; republished electronically 2020.
Copyright 1976, 1988, 2020 Lewis N. Derrick.
(Dance information by the deviser, Lewis N Derrick)

University Of St Andrews - Wardlaw Wing Of University Hall - Just Off Kennedy Gardens
Image copyright Jim Bain under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.
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