Simon Barbour's Rant
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Simon Barbour's Rant An 8 x 32 bar jig, with two movements, for four couples in a longwise four couple set, Ruary Laidlaw.First movement from first place
1 - 8 The first couple lead down the middle, cross over to the opposite side and cast back up to first place, but on opposite sides.
Four Hands Across
9-16 The first couple turn with right hand once round and cast off into second place on the opposite side. The second couple move up on bars 3 and 4 of the phrase.
At the same time the fourth couple turn with the right hand and cast up into third place on their own side.
The third couple move down on bars 3 and 4 of the phrase.
The first and fourth couple dance four hands across once round only with right hands.
17-24 The second and third couples turn with the right hand and cast back to original places.
The second and third couples dance four hands across with right hands finishing in original places.
The first couple are still on the opposite side.
Figures of Eight
25-32 The first couple, on opposite sides, cross with the right hand and cast off. The second couple move up. The first couple dance half a figure of eight up round the second couple and finish in second place on the opposite side.
Similarly, the fourth couple cross over with the right hand and cast up to third place. The third couple move down to fourth place on bars 3 and 4 of the phrase. The fourth couple then dance a half figure of eight down round the third couple to finish in third place on their own side.
The order is now 2, 1, 4 and 3 with the first couple still on the opposite side.
Second movement from second place
33-40 The first and fourth couples in the centre of the set turn their "corner" for four steps i.e.
the first man turns the second lady with the right hand to finish in second place on his own side
the first lady turns the second man with the left hand to finish in second place on her own side
the fourth man turns the third man with the right hand to finish in third place on his own side
the fourth lady turns the third lady with the left hand to finish in third place on her own side
The first and the fourth couple set once and cross with right hand for two steps to finish with:
the first couple facing their "first corner" (the second man at the top). The first man has his partner on his right.
the fourth couple face their "first corner" (the third woman in fourth place). The fourth man has his partner on his right.
The first and the fourth man turn on the spot to face their "corners" on the last step.
Three Handed Corners - "Wheels"
41-56 (The men lead their partners into all the "wheels" from bar 41 to bar 56)
First couple turn their "first corner" (second man) with the right hand once round for four steps to finish in the centre of the dance facing down. First man now has his partner on his left.
At the same time the fourth couple turn their "first corner" (third woman) with the right hand once round to finish in the centre of the dance facing up. Fourth man now with his partner on his left also.
First couple and the fourth couple dance four hands across with the left hand in the centre of the dance for four steps to finish facing their "second corners", that is: first couple facing the third man, first man now with his partner on his right, and the fourth couple face the second woman, fourth man now with his partner on his right also.
First and fourth couple turn their "second corners" with the right hand to finish facing in to the centre of the dance, first and fourth men with their partners now on their left.
The first and fourth couples then dance four hands across with the left hand in the centre of the dance for two steps.
The first couple continue the wheel for the next two steps to finish on opposite sides in second place.
The fourth couple use the last two steps of the wheel to turn with the left hand to finish on their own side of the dance in third place.
The order is now 2, 1, 4 and 3.
57-64 The bottom three couples join hands on the sides and set twice.
The first couple cross with the right hand and cast off to the bottom of the set on their own side.
The third couple turn with the right hand and dance up to second place on their own side of the dance.
The order is now 2, 3, 4 and 1
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Ruary Laidlaw, 2005)
Dance Information
Simon has been one of the personalities of the Lochiel club for at least ten years and has filled many of the offices of the club as well as being assistant tutor and tutor of the club at various times.Both he and Glenys, his wife, co-organised the RSCDS NZ Branch 2003-4 Summer School in Hamilton at the University of Waikato.
(Dance information by the deviser Ruary Laidlaw, copyright 2005, All rights reserved)

Simon Barbour
Published in The Lochiel Collection copyright 2005, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Ruary Laidlaw.
Image copyright Simon Barbour, Ruary Laidlaw, all rights reserved, 2024.
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