Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Slip Knot

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE SLIP KNOT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Greenburn Book 3

1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place and dance RH across (Lady with 2s and Man with 3s)
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across (Man with 2s and Lady with 3s) and end BtoB Lady facing up
17-24 1s circle 3H round (Lady with 2s and Man with 3s), 1M dances up between 2s and casts to 2nd place opposite sides while 1L crosses down and casts up
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on sides giving LSh to 1st corner and end crossing RH to 2nd place own sides

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Information

A slip knot (or running knot) is one of two different classes of knot. The most common are knots which attach a line to an object and tighten when tension is applied to the free end of the line. The other is a type of knot designed to bind one end of a rope to the middle of another, while allowing the knot to slide along the rope.
Slip Knot
The Running Bowline, A Type Of Slip Knot

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Text from this original Slip Knot article on Wikipedia.
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