Somerled Square
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
SOMERLED SQUARE (J4x64) Sq.Set Andrea Barfoot Skye collection 21- 8 All Ladies cast round partner into middle, dance RH across and cast round partners back to places
9-16 All Men repeat dancing LH across
17-24 1L+3M dance Fig of 8 round 4s while 1M+3L dance Fig of 8 round 2s
25-32 2L+4M dance Fig of 8 round 1s while 2M+4L dance Fig of 8 round 3s
33-40 1L+3L dance into middle, dance out (right) to 4L and 2L places as 4L+2L dance in, 4L+2L dance out to 3L and 1L places as 3M+1M dance in, 3M+1M dance out to 2M and 4M places as 2M+4M dance in
41-48 2M+4M dance out to 1M and 3M places as 2L+4L dance in, 2L+4L dance out to 4L and 2L places as 1L+3L dance in, 1L+3L dance out to 3L and 1L places as 2M+4M dance in, 2M+4M dance out to 4M and 2M places as 1M+3M turn RH to form line across with partners
49-56 1s+3s Balance-in-Line while 2s and 4s set to partners, 1M and 3M (LH to partner) dance out to places as partners set while 2s+4s turn LH into line across, 2s+4s Balance-in-Line while 1s and 3s set to partners, 2M and 4M (LH to partner) dance out to places as partners set while 1s and 3s turn RH all ending in prom hold facing clockwise
57-64 All promenade ¾ round to new places (1 place clockwise) and set
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Dance Information
Somerled was a mid 12th century warlord who, through matrimonial alliance and military conquest, rose in prominence and seized control of the Kingdom of the Isles.Somerled was the heroic character who founded the MacDonalds. He was the first of the Lords of the Isles and fought against both the Norse and the Scots. He was eventually slain by accomplices of Malcolm Canmore, the King of Scots, and is buried on Iona.
Somerled Square, Portree, Scotland
Dance information licensed under this Creative Commons Licence 3.0.
Text from this original Somerled article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright John Allan under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.
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