Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Spinning Top

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Spinning Top 32 Bar Reel For 4 Couples In A 4 Couple Set, Devised By Viktor Lehmann 2017.

1-4 1s long cast into 2nd place, 2s step up on bars 3 and 4.
5-8 1s turn right to finish in 2nd place own side facing out
 MEANWHILE 4s set, then dance up while crossing left to finish 4M behind 1L and 4L behind 1M, facing out
9-16 RS tandem reels of three on the side lines with 1M+4L and 1L+4M; 4s shorten their reels to end between couples, 4M facing down, 4L facing up
17-24 2 and 3: set and rotate reverse (chase 1 place clockwise, cross with partner on sidelines, chase 1 place clockwise, set turning on the spot)
 MEANWHILE 1s cast around third corner and Tulloch turn 1¾ to sidelines own side MEANWHILE 4s Tulloch turn 1¾ to own sidelines, cast around third corner pos.
25-28 1s and 4s half right hands across, 1s cast into 4th place while 4s continue keeping hands and turn ¾ right hand to sidelines. At the end of bar 28, all clap.
29-32 1s and 4s cross right hand over to own sides, all join hands on the sideline and set.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Viktor Lehmann, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, 10 Aug 2017)

Dance Instruction Videos

The Spinning Top - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This dance is dedicated to Rainer Schwarz who calls me his "Brummkreisel" (spinning top).

For all those who need the full blast, there is a 3cpl version available with standing cpl always ghosting in style of 4th cpl (different ending to have a variation in progression).

Music Suggestion: something vivid and playful (like Dancing Bees or Black Dance).

(Dance information by the deviser, Viktor Lehmann, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, 10 Aug 2017)

Published in The Spinning Top, reproduced here under this Creative Commons Attribution - NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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