Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Spotwood Reel

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Spotwood Reel 8x32 Reel, 3 couples in a 4 couple set, Neville Pope

1-4 1st couple set and cast on own side. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4
5-8 1st couple dance a half figure 8 around 1st corner to finish in 2nd place on opposite sides.
9-16 1st couple and 1st corners dance half diagonal rights and lefts, giving RH to partner's 1st corner to begin. 1st couple do not do a polite turn at the end, but face partner's second corner ready to give RS for a half reel of three on the side. At the end of the half-reel, 1st couple travel a little further to finish facing their own 2nd corner position and corners dance a loop, ready for a RS half reel of three across the dance.
17-24 1st couple give RS to person in 2nd corner position (partner's 1st corner person) for a half reel of three across the dance. 1st couple finish in 2nd place on opposite sides.
 1st couple and 2nd corners (in opposite positions) dance half diagonal rights and lefts. 1st couple stay facing out.
25-28 1st couple cast to their right and dance into the centre of the set.
29-32 1st couple turn 1¾ times to 2nd place on own side.

Repeat having passed a couple.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Neville Pope, May 2009)

Dance Information

Recommended Music: Any good reel, but not too fast.

Recommended Recording: CD 1 track 9 (Selection of Reels) from Celtic Fire in the Music by Bobby Brown: My Pretty Maid - Stornoway Castle - Jock Wilson's Ball - Walking on the Moon - J. D. MacLennan's Reel.

(Dance information copyright, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Neville Pope, 2010)

Published in Sturt Desert Pea Book 2010, copyright, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Neville Pope, 2024.

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