Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Strome Ferry

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

STROME FERRY (R3x32) 3C set Campbell

1- 4 All set, all advance setting turning to BtoB with partner in middle (Ladies face up)
5- 8 All loop to right to own sides - 1L and 3M to 2nd place BtoB, 2L to 1st place, 2M to 3rd place and 1M also 3L to own places - all set
9-16 All set twice in double triangle position ending with 3M facing up and 1L down, all set twice (up/down) in double triangles
17-24 3M turns 1M LH into 2nd place while 1L turns 3L into 2nd place, all dance reels of 3 on sides (1L in and up, 3M in and down)
25-28 1M+3M change places LH while 1L+3L change places LH, 1M+2M change places RH while 2L+3L change places RH
29-32 All set twice - order - Ladies 231 and Men 312

Repeat with new partners

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Information

Also see the dance Stromeferry by Harry Rhodes.

Strome Ferry crosses Loch Carron between Stromeferry and Stromemore, in western Ross-shire, Scottish Highlands.

Strome Ferry
Strome Ferry

Image copyright Richard Webb under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.

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