Sunshine In Little Vennel
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Sunshine In Little Vennel S3x32 3 couples Fiona MacDonald Dedicated Dancing II1- 8 1s and 2s Set on the sides, Turn partner with Both hands, Circle 4 hands to left, 1s and 2s dance "Flirt and Cast" (bar 9 - 12)
9 - 12 L1 and M2 advance (make eye contact) pull Rsh back and dance out through own positions, Cast to Right (L1 down, M2 up) while M1 and L2 stand for bar 9-10, then advance (make eye contact) and pass Left shoulder (pulling Right shoulder back) to dance out and curve into place M1 to 2nd place, L2 to 1st place (own sides) 213, 1s repeat bars 9 - 12 with 3s
13 - 16 L1 and M3 advance (make eye contact) pull Rsh back and dance out through own positions, Cast to Right (L1 down, M3 up) while M1 and L3 stand for bar 13-14, then advance (make eye contact) and pass Left shoulder (pulling Right shoulder back) to dance out and curve into place M1 to 3rd place, L3 to 2nd place (own sides) 231
17 - 24 Right shoulder reels of 3 on sides (1s facing up give Right shoulder to 3s)
25 - 26 2s, 3s and 1s circle to left (2 bars), Set (in circle), Circle to Left. 231
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Fiona MacDonald)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Information
This strathspey, Sunshine In Little Vennel, was dedicated to Marjory in February 2023.(Dance information by the deviser, Fiona MacDonald)
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