Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Swan

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE SWAN (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Romaine Butterfield Aoteaora Collection

1- 8 1s+2s set, 1L+2M cross RH while 1M and 2L set again; 1s+2s change places LH with partners on sides and 1s+2s join hands on sides and set
9-12 1L and 2L cast 1 place to finish BtoB in centre facing partner while 1M and 2M move up ½ place to between 1st/2nd place (11-12) all in line across
13-16 1s and 2s turn partner RH 1½ times into Allemande hold, 1s facing down on Man's side, 2s facing up on Ladies' side
17-24 1s dance Allemande down and up (pass 2s LSh) to top place opposite side while 2s dance Allemande up and dance round to end in 2nd place
25-28 1s+2s set, 1s cast 1 place as 2s dance up nearer hands joined
29-32 2s cast while 1s cross up RH to 1st place own side, 1s cast to 2nd place as 2s dance up to top nearer hands joined. 2 1

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Information

The Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) is a large and elegant waterfowl native to Eurasia.

Recognizable by its striking white plumage, long neck, and distinctive orange bill with a black knob at the base, the Mute Swan is well-known for its graceful appearance.

Despite its name, Mute Swans are not entirely silent; they produce a range of vocalizations, including hissing and trumpeting sounds. These swans are highly territorial during the breeding season, typically forming monogamous pairs that mate for life.

Migratory in nature, Mute Swans can be found in various aquatic habitats, including lakes, rivers, and coastal waters.

The Swan
The Swan

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