Swimming With Inna
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Swimming With Inna (S3x48) 48 bar Strathspey for 3 couples in a triangular set, Devised By Keith Rose (2024)1-4 1st couple dance in towards each other, cast off around the outside of the set, meet at the bottom of the set and face up with nearer hands joined.
Meanwhile, 2nd and 3rd couples dance right hands across to finish facing across the set in parallel lines.
5-8 1st couple dance up the middle of the set to original places, passing between 2nd and 3rd couples who set with nearer hands joined.
All three couples turn partners once round with both hands to finish in original places, retaining both hands.
9-12 Poussette. All take one step towards the centre of the dance then one step out, moving anticlockwise around the set half a place. All couples have moved 60 degrees round the set and 3rd couple is now at the bottom of the set. On bars 11-12, all turn halfway with both hands.
13-16 Repeat bars 9-12. All couples have now moved round one place since bar 9 and are now in the order 2, 3, 1. Women face out, men face in.
17-20 All dance two bars of a Schiehallion reel: men, passing left shoulder, dance towards opposite woman's place, women loop to their partner's place. 2nd woman with 3rd man, 3rd woman with 1st man and 1st woman with 2nd man, all turn once round with both hands.
21-24 Repeat bars 17-18 but with women crossing and men looping. All turn partners once round with both hands.
25-28 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples face in with nearer hands joined and set. All turn partners with both hands halfway (1 bar), face in with nearer hands joined and dance clockwise one place (1 bar), as in a tourbillon. All set.
29-32 2nd, 3rd and 1st couples repeat bars 25-28, ending in original positions.
33-36 All turn partners three quarters with the right hand. Women dance left hands across two-thirds round while the men chase clockwise one place to meet their partners,
37-40 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples turn halfway with the right hand. Men dance left hands across two-thirds round while the women chase clockwise one place to meet their partners, all finishing facing in with women on their partner's right.
41-48 2nd, 3rd and 1st couples dance six hands round and back.
Repeat from new positions.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Keith Rose, 2024)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
Swimming With Inna - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
This dance was dedicated to Inna Savitskaya of St Petersburg and Appleby who enjoys dancing, walking and wild swimming.
Published in The Inna Dances, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Keith Rose.
Image copyright Inna Savitskaya, 2024.
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