Symphony Hall Strathspey
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
SYMPHONY HALL STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C set Kenneth J Reid Birmingham Platinum Book 20171- 8 All set, 1M+2M Petronella-in-tandem and 3M casts while 1L casts and 2L+3L Petronella in Tandem to lines across (2L between 3s at top and 2M between 1s), 2s dance ½ diagonal R&L (up/down)
9-16 All set, 1M+2M Petronella-in-Tandem 3M casts while 1L casts and 2L+3L Petronella-in-Tandem (2M between 1s on Men's side, 2L between 3s on Ladies' side), 2s dance ½ diagonal R&L (across) (3L and 1M face out) (3)(2)(1)
17-24 3s+2s+1s dance reels of 3 on sides, each couple crossing down from 2nd place to 3rd place on own side. At end 1s loop to face up and in. 321
25-32 2s+1s dance Rose Progression:
25-26 2M+1L facing in diagonally set while 2L+1M change places RH to face out
27-28 2M+1L ½ turn 2H to face each other as 2L+1M dance into partners place
29-30 2M+1L cast into each other's place as 2L+1M ½ turn 2H to face each other
31-32 2M+1L dance into 3rd/2nd place own side while 2L+1M cast to right to new places. 312
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
Symphony Hall Strathspey - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
Symphony Hall is a 2,262 seat concert venue in Birmingham, England.It was officially opened by the Queen in June 1991 and is home to the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra hosting around 270 events a year.
The hall's interior is modelled upon the Musikverein in Vienna and the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.

Symphony Hall, Birmingham, England
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Text from this original Symphony Hall Birmingham article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright Oosoom (Own work) Creative Commons Licence 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
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