Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Tapsalteerie (Duigenan)

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

TAPSALTEERIE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Duigenan The Peerie

1- 8 1s+2s+3s set advancing and ½ turn 2H to face up, all dance up and cast on opposite sides. (3)(2)(1)
9-16 3s+2s+1s dance DoSiDo, all turn 1½ times into Prom hold facing up
17-20 3s+2s+1s dance a ½ Peerie Turn:
 couples in prom hold ½ turn anticlockwise to face down with Men turning Ladies on to their left
21-24 1s followed by 2s+3s dance down and cast to original places
25-32 1s dance down for 2 and set with hands joined and arms spread to form a diamond, 1s dance up and cast to 2nd place

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Information

Also see the dance Tapsalteerie (Clowes) by Roy Clowes.
Also see the dance Tapsalteerie (Mitchell) by Niall Mitchell.
Also see the dance Tapsalteerie (Turner/Fogg) by Moira Turner and Stella Fogg.

"Tapsalteerie" is Scots for "topsy-turvy", meaning chaotic, disorderly, mixed-up.

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